At work last week a patron came to the desk, frustrated because the catalogue told her the book she was after was on shelf but she couldn't find it. Quick glance at the catalogue and I found the book she was after, in the YA section.

No, don't want it, she said.
I checked the title and author. This was the book she was after.
She refused, saying she wouldn't read a kid's book.

Frankly I was surprised. Especially after Stephenie Meyer's success with the Twilight series- that has people from all ages reading her books. ( I remember one elderly lady requesting Twilight saying her grand- daughter recommended the book ). The same happened with the Harry Potter series, some books catalogued in the children's area, the later, darker ones in the young adult area- and how many adults read those?  I really thought that the whole 'young adult is just for kids' attitude was well over.

I read a lot (one of the joys of working in a library) - and I don't limit myself to only 'adult' books. I read picture books and children books (part of the job, but also because as a writer I'm curious what's out there). I also read a lot of books termed 'young adult'.

Some of my favourites over the past few years have been -
Sonya Hartnett (any of her work....and LOVED Ghost's Child)
Marcus Zusak (author of The Book Thief, but also loved his When Dogs Cry and Fighting Ruben Wolfe), Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games)
Karen Hesse (Out of the Dust - verse novel)
Phillip Pullman (Dark Materials trilogy)
Judith Clarke (The Winds of Heaven)
John Heffernan (Marty's Shadow)
Neil Gaiman (The Graveyard Book)

And I have a  MUST READ list - which is getting longer and longer...and longer.
I really believe there is so much good stuff out there, whether its for children, young adults or adults- and I don't understand restricting yourself.

My advice - have a go.

You never know, you may actually enjoy it.


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