On Sunday I attended Tiggy Johnson's launch of her first poetry collection, fittingly titled First Taste.  It was great to see her book officially launched by poet Marian Spires  (Knowing Vincent- Picaro Press). Tiggy and Marian had a casual 'in conversation' which introduced various poems and the stories behind them - which is always interesting and offers some great insight into the process of the poet.

Not only was this the official launch of Tiggy's book it was also her Bon Voyage - the chance to say goodbye before she and her family head to warmer climes. Yes, Tiggy has taken the plunge - sold her house - bought another - has a HUGE crate at her house, is packing everything that doesn't move and is heading off to....Brisbane.

There were a few teary eyes on Sunday - some hugs that went on and on as what this meant sunk in. For me, it hasn't yet sunk in.

Some of you will know that for the past few years Tiggy and myself have travelled into the city for various poetry events. Living in the Dandenongs has meant so much was so far away- but we would meet in Emerald - usually after work for myself,  for Tiggy after her husband came home to child mind - and we would drive into town. It meant we could talk during the drive, if one of us was performing we would talk about what piece to read - whether this poem would work or not - we would then have fun at the event and de-brief on the way home- did THAT poem work or not, and wow what about such-and-such, weren't they great!

It meant a lot of late nights - or should I say early mornings - but it also meant that I have seen so many wonderful poets that I probably would have missed otherwise (not many poets wander The Patch performing their work )

I do intend to keep travelling in to the city to see poetry. In fact I have created.....Tiggy the sock puppet.

So it looks like TTSP (Tiggy the sock puppet) and myself will get out and about in 2011- and I have been invited to Brisbane (by Tiggy's daughter who thinks I'm great :))

Saying goodbye is hard....especially to a great friend who has encouraged and supported me, has forced me out of my shell and helped me face so many wonderful new adventures. So I won't say goodbye - I'll say au revoir - till we meet again.


  1. I'm no Tiggy, but if you're driving past Mitcham ... or you're on the train I can hop in at Heatherdale! I need to get out more to poetry events, Vicki!

  2. I'll keep you in mind Carole - I think 2011 will be a fun year....even with a sock puppet :)


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