I'm always fascinated by how people can see the exact same thing but view it so differently. It's all down to our perspectives.

One the weekend Other Half and I went for a lovely drive to Mount Macedon. We wanted to check out the autumn tones and it was so beautiful. *and yes I do live in the Dandenong Ranges where we have our own autumn leaves in full glory but we thought we'd check out some place different.

It was a beautiful day, even if grey, cloudy, misty at the top of the mountain and cold.

Other Half stopped at a few places to take some snaps and (I've known this for a long time) it reinforced how different we are. We can see exactly the same view, vista, moment in front of us...and we both choose a different angle.

We would be out of the car, he facing one way taking a photo, me facing the other taking my photo.

And if we did take a photo of the same thing, same building or tree or mountain...we framed it differently.

I really love the fact that we see the world so differently.

Different perspectives help us be the people we are. When faced with the exact same piece of log or branch...we see it differently.

This is why it never matters if someone, somewhere, is writing the same story you are. You have a different voice, your own voice. You have different emotions and truths, different ways of looking at the world. Different way of putting words together.

Ten people could walk down this track and stop to take a photo. And you would have ten totally different photos. Some one would focus on the track, another on the leaves, someone would do a macro of a spider web glistening, another would turn around and take a photo of the car.

This is what we do when we write. We use our own perspective to make it ours.


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