Einstein is quoted as saying 'If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?'

I have a cluttered desk, both at home and at work. There are periods at work when my desk is clear...not many I grant you. Just when there are a few weeks with no children's programs, we are already planning for next year's as well as various regular programs and any new ones we are launching. So there are various (I run 1 Storytime, 2 Tinies a week, one Tinies will now be half songs and books, half craft project...I also do the first time parents groups every 6 weeks,  monthly Explorers Club and the new Creative Kids group...not to mention school holiday programs that pop up). So basically that is a lot of ideas whirling around...and prototypes and notes and books and crafts etc etc...

I do try to keep it to a 'chaotic' sense of control, mainly to appease co-workers who feel the need to CLEAN UP MY DESK. Frankly I want more space, more in progress.

And my desk at home, my 'home office'...the nook in the bedroom I fear is exactly the same. Okay, it's far worse.

 Yep a dumping ground of assorted paraphernalia. I've talked before about my attempts to tidy up, in fact it is a constant resolution (and never meet) I make each year.

This year (I decide in a heady cloud of determination)...this year I will make organisation a priority.
I will tidy my desk area and keep it that way.

So it begins like these two photos....half a day later and I have...

accomplished a small success.

My organiser looks like this...

Now I did have a small dance of celebration...but alas it is only a small area tidied and cleaned up.

Now this is where I get bogged down. I do throw stuff away but...and this is what I have discovered..but then I feel a failure because what I am throwing away is either something I have begun and got nowhere or something I (now know) will never finish.

Tidying up is also damned boring.

I know, I know, de-cluttering is the new black. The de-cluttering queen Marie Kondo is huge news.
It seems everyone is watching her show, reading her book and taking on board her thoughts that if it doesn't give you joy, then it must go.

Being in the garden gives me joy....

spending time with the little ones...


and crafty creations.

Frankly very little on my work desk or home desk brings me joy. However they are needed to do the job. Computer, notepads, pens, diary. All needed.

And I will admit I have yet to read or watch anything about this style of de-cluttering (perhaps I should).

I find it interesting that I am an organised person regardless of my desk. But also understand that I can do more to keep it tidy and neat.

So once again, as another new year turns up, it's up to me to do something about it.
 I now hold this draft of a novel and ask myself the question, does it bring me joy.......hmmmm.



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