I do like to work to a schedule - or a plan. I like to be organised. Have an idea what I'm doing when. I work part time and for a long time my writing day was Wednesday, a day off.
I would run a few errands in the morning, write the latest on this blog then spend the afternoon writing.
Then it wasn't working.
I found myself doing a bit of this....
I began to look after grandchildren more. This, of course, is something I LOVE ...but it does take away from free time writing.
I also began to do this...
Volunteering at Pakenham and District Toy Library. It's a great service, lovely bunch of families that come in...but once again it's chewing up the spare hours.
Then there was this...
Another grandchild, a grand son this time and of course we are so in LOVE with him.
This meant (as with other grandchildren) lots of visits to ooh and ahhh and to offer a hand, shoulder, whatever is needed for the new parents.
So my Wednesday's were no longer a span of time with nothing to do. When I could simply sit around and write when the muse struck.
I realised I had a few options.
I could give up this...
as if I could!
Spend less time with the Toy Library - nope- there are two of us at the moment and we are determined to make it a great success.
And perhaps give up on this too..
Yep, not a chance!
So a wise woman (one from my writing group) suggested I rejig my writing plan. Set up a schedule when there are things I HAVE TO DO ...which includes work, grandmotherly duties, volunteer stuff etc etc...and if, as I have discovered, a lot of Wednesdays are now defunct...find other times to write.
So I sat down and created a timetable. This timetable is for the next week or so and I have discovered that I am quite busy. That there are definite a lot of days filled with necessities but there are times when I can write. They won't be in four hour long chunks like I am used to. A luxury really.
But I have discovered chunklets ....actually that is a horrid word....there are segments when I have a good 30-60 minutes spare.
I have worked on this schedule for two days now and it, surprisingly, has worked. I haven't managed to get a lot done, as in a section of novel or a short story. But I have managed a few poems and a few book reviews.
The moral of this story was that I was too set in my ways. Wednesday was my writing day. End of story. However with a bit of a rejig and tweak here and there I have found time, usually not on a Wednesday, when I can still don my writing cap and actually get something achieved.
As of yet, nothing huge but little steps.
Because I frankly don't want to give up on any of what I do.
I would run a few errands in the morning, write the latest on this blog then spend the afternoon writing.
Then it wasn't working.
I found myself doing a bit of this....
I began to look after grandchildren more. This, of course, is something I LOVE ...but it does take away from free time writing.
I also began to do this...
Volunteering at Pakenham and District Toy Library. It's a great service, lovely bunch of families that come in...but once again it's chewing up the spare hours.
Then there was this...
Another grandchild, a grand son this time and of course we are so in LOVE with him.
This meant (as with other grandchildren) lots of visits to ooh and ahhh and to offer a hand, shoulder, whatever is needed for the new parents.
So my Wednesday's were no longer a span of time with nothing to do. When I could simply sit around and write when the muse struck.
I realised I had a few options.
I could give up this...
as if I could!
Spend less time with the Toy Library - nope- there are two of us at the moment and we are determined to make it a great success.
And perhaps give up on this too..
Yep, not a chance!
So a wise woman (one from my writing group) suggested I rejig my writing plan. Set up a schedule when there are things I HAVE TO DO ...which includes work, grandmotherly duties, volunteer stuff etc etc...and if, as I have discovered, a lot of Wednesdays are now defunct...find other times to write.
So I sat down and created a timetable. This timetable is for the next week or so and I have discovered that I am quite busy. That there are definite a lot of days filled with necessities but there are times when I can write. They won't be in four hour long chunks like I am used to. A luxury really.
But I have discovered chunklets ....actually that is a horrid word....there are segments when I have a good 30-60 minutes spare.
I have worked on this schedule for two days now and it, surprisingly, has worked. I haven't managed to get a lot done, as in a section of novel or a short story. But I have managed a few poems and a few book reviews.
The moral of this story was that I was too set in my ways. Wednesday was my writing day. End of story. However with a bit of a rejig and tweak here and there I have found time, usually not on a Wednesday, when I can still don my writing cap and actually get something achieved.
As of yet, nothing huge but little steps.
Because I frankly don't want to give up on any of what I do.
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