We all have them, expectations that is. There are expectations in your workplace (mostly along the lines of do what you are meant to do and you will get paid)...there are expectations in your home life.
The groceries are bought on such and such day, the magic fairy does the washing and ironing and cleaning of the house, beds are made, meals are cooked.

And so many events seem to thrust more expectations upon us.
Every holiday, whether birthdays, Christmas or the Easter just past,

and we are bombarded with images of happy families and big groups of friends celebrating. Every image shows people happy and laughing.

So what happens if that doesn't happen?

People move on, family moves away or have other plans. Friends lose touch...and with so many blended families, life becomes more and more complicated. But we know what will happen, what the media tells us should happen...we should be with loved ones having FUN!

Easter, for us, is a family get-together. There is an egg hunt of course...some in obvious places...

some less obvious...

Took the kids a while to find this one.

There is always enough, just enough, too much food but I fear that is our norm.

 Other half cooks enough meat to feed an army, we all eat until - quote 'meat runs out of our eyes' unquote...then everyone takes food home.

Of course, there is always dessert as well. Daughter came up and baked this wonderful rhubarb strawberry plait...

and I put together a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake. (We unknowingly colour co-ordinated our deserts).

We are in the lucky position to be able to spend time with our kids, their partners, and our grand kids.

They all live close enough by so we can celebrate these events.  But once again the expectation is put upon us that we MUST HAVE FUN.

So what happens when you don't? What happens when, for some reason or other, you spend your birthday alone? Is it the end of the world? Is the universe about to come toppling down?

What if no one remembers? What if you don't get lack lustre comments from virtual strangers on social media?

We, with a lot of outside influences (hello media), place so many expectations upon ourselves. We plan and prepare but we all know that not everything goes to plan. There are always hiccups and upsets and it's up to us then, to make the best out of the situation.

Expectations affect every part of our life, and sometimes I feel that they constrict our creativity.

I'm part of an eclectic art/poetry group on Facebook. Wonderfully talented group of people (very few I have ever physically met) and the ability to write something in a few hours, or put together a painting in just as little time astounds me. There tends to be a theme, or a few themes, to get the creativity flowing and I'm always so amazed at what is produced...but..

yes there is a but, I placed such high expectations upon myself. I was going to write a new piece, to theme each week. I mean how hard could it be?

It was fun, I was inspired and writing a new piece each week for quite a few months, (some very bad bits and pieces but they were written)...but I flounder with a word or phrase, and put nothing concrete down. Week after week passes, new themes are tossed to the group and the majority wrestle and wrangle to produce some astounding work. For me...nothing happens.  

At the moment I'm going with the flow. Perhaps the themes aren't pushing my buttons...perhaps I need a moment or two...week or two...month or two, to figure out what to write.

It's not like I'm not writing at all...I'm working on other pieces, new short story here, old piece of work there...but the expectation that I could EASILY put together a new piece each week hasn't been met.

But that's okay. I'll work on what I want to...and know that I'll toss together a few words when the time is right.



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