Bowie said it best (didn't he always?)....Ch ch ch ch changes, turn and face the strange.

There is something about change that we either love or hate. I have known people that can't stay in the same home...or job for that matter...for longer than a year. They get itchy feet. Know that there is something better out there and so they move on. Change is what drives them. It inspires them and makes them look at things differently.

My work is in constant change. We are always introducing new technology and new staff (from CEO's to those that work alongside us). We open new branches, have new policies, new procedures. We change opening hours and days, change programs and times. We are constantly changing our layout to enable us to give our best. So change is something I'm quite familiar with.

I won't move house in a long while though, very happy here, but we do change things around. Paint walls, put in new carpet, new furniture. Change the layout of several rooms...change the garden.

So we do change things around. But in my writing life?


The definition of change, well one of them is to make or become different.

I write at my desk, and although the desk has changed as has the computer, it is in the same corner of the same bedroom.  The layout there has not changed. The general state of mess has not changed.

My routine?

Alas that has not changed either. I think about writing, decide I SHOULD write..but then hello distraction. At times I force  make myself sit at the computer and begin. Sometimes I'm inspired but....

Albert Einstein is credited with saying : Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

So true. I do a little bit of writing, send hardly anything out and then wonder why at the end of the year I'm disappointed in what I've done.

It's like my dream of waking up one morning to find myself ten kilos lighter. Magically....over night...without any work or effort.  Will never happen.  We are smart enough to know that this takes effort. Time involved, thought and hard work.

Writing is the same. Simply thinking of all these great story lines and fantastic characters and amazing plot lines is all good. But unless something is done, that is where they will your mind.

If I want to see something published, I have to send something out.

If I want to finish a novel, I have to begin.

If I want a poem ready to be read at an event, I must write and polish the damned poem.

The lesson is if what I did this year hasn't given me the results I want...then change what I did.


All of the above pictures have been taken simply walking out our front door and onto the deck. It's the same view, same trees...but the difference is stunning. There is beauty in every one of them. Fog or storms brewing, sunrises and rainbows.

Change is often considered scary. Can be seen as daunting and challenging. But it is not set in concrete.

Try something new...if it works...great. If it doesn't....try something else.

That is the beauty of always takes us somewhere.

Even if we didn't know we wanted to go there.



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