Hands up if you take things for granted? My hand is up, waving high. We humans are quite notorious for this. We take for granted that we have a roof over our heads, that we have family and friends that love us, that we have enough money to pay the necessary bills each month, that we are able to walk and move without constant pain.

These are the basics we take for granted. I'm just beginning to learn what not to take for granted.
My drive home from work....

It's through farmland and forest. And yes in the depths of winter with sleet and fog and falling branches, it can be tedious and dangerous. But every season, every day offers up something new to see. It's a beautiful drive home.

I did take for granted my job. I thought everyone could do what I do. Serving hundreds of people every day, answering their questions, and of course the youth services part, entertaining up to 50 children at one time....

But not everyone can, or more importantly wants to. If you don't have that connection, especially with the children, forget it.

I no longer take for granted my writing.

Everyone can put pen to paper, or click away at a computer. Let's face it, how many people do we know that say 'I'd like to write a novel/poem/ my life story, one day, when I have the time'?

Time? What's that? No one has the time to write but you find it, you make it.
However, as I've learnt, it's the dedication and discipline and determination that is more important than wanting to write.

It's the doing rather than the talking.

If you want to get fit and strong, you exercise and eat right. You don't 'begin the diet' on Monday. You start today making conscious decisions, and you move more. (thank you Miss Kim)

If you want to write, no matter what it is, novel, short story, poetry, memoir, play, script, there is no magic cure. You sit yourself down and you write.

No excuses.

No whinging or whining.

And definitely don't take what you do for granted. As I've learnt, no one else can write with my style, my voice, my thoughts, my words.

Slowly but surely I'm learning not to take so many things for granted.


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