Always curious - this is my thought of the week...where do you write? What is your writing space?

Do you have your own space, perhaps an office just for you? Or do you share a space with 3 children, a guinea pig and a fish that edits over your shoulder? Or are one of those that write (happily) in a coffee shop or cafe, away from the procrastinations found at home. Those dust bunnies that sing out, the washing that NEEDS to be done....NOW.

This is where I write .
(Perhaps I should have tidied up?) This is a nook in our bedroom. So not the ideal place to write, behind the chair is our chest of drawers, beside that my art/craft supplies (even messier than my desk :) The window to the left looks out to the bank behind the house and onto the backyard (if you can imagine even MORE messier than previously talked about) which in one way is good as I don't get distracted - until the birds come in. When the silver eyes and finches flit from tree fern to ivy...I'm lost.

To the right is the bedroom proper and that window looks out onto our new deck, potplants, hanging baskets and on clear days the mountains in the distance . (that is distracting - I often sit and watch the play of light over plants or mountains, fogs curling over the trees, clouds lacing the sky....like I said, easily distracted)  

But this is it, mess and all- and I do know where 90% of things are. The bills paid for the year are to the left of my feet on the floor...papers regarding work - bottom left of in tray on shelf.

I always strive to be more organised in HOW I write. Have a list of deadlines, places to send stuff, stuff ready to send etc etc but...in a lot of ways my writing is very scattered - sometimes I feel like writing poetry, other days something for kids, sometimes I pull out the YA novel and work on that.

This year a friend had an idea for focusing herself and I thought I'd give it a go. At the window, to the left of the whiteboard (and I do put a list of goals for the month on that, including birthdays, extra work commitments etc) there is a piece of paper - on it is a list of current projects. The idea being that I can sit down, glance to my left and decide 'yes I will work on that poem today' and therefore do so.

That is the aim.

So this is where I work. At the keyboard 99% of the time, trying to ignore the call of dishes to be washed, meals to be cooked, plants to be watered and phones answered.


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