Yes i'm busy relearning the intricacies of technology. (hard for a dinosaur like myself- I still have trouble with my mobile phone and take way too long to figure out which remote is for the DVD player).  I was recently given an iMac for my birthday - a big surprise for a PC girl like me.

My first question was how do I turn it on? - quickly followed by and where are the buttons on the mouse?

Once these two questions were answered - it became the job of showing no fear in front of it. Bit like facing a large wild animal- appear confident and it will leave you alone. That is the theory and so far it is working. I will confess to deleting a lot of windows when I merely want to go back, and have no idea what most of the icons at the bottom of the screen mean - but it is on my to-do list.

Another goal for the year- become master of the machine - show no fear and move forward bravely.

As for goals - and I know it's only 2 months in to the year and things may change - but two of my goals (and having a writing buddy help break them down for me helped tremendously) are working well.

One was to finish the first draft of my YA novel - with help I broke it down to getting 700-1000 a week down (not a lot but it is when you only have a few days off a week and tend to be a bit all over the place with your writing - short story there, part of novel here, poem or two way over yonder) - and heh-being focused and breaking it down into biteable chunks is working. The other goal that's on the way is to send stuff out - breaking it down to either one short story or 3 poems a month- and so far that's working as well.

In fact one of the stories I sent has been accepted for the 100 stories for queensland project- which I am very proud of. Dare I say one of the hardest part of the submission process was finding a story upbeat and uplifting.  Not really what I write but obviously I do have my moments.

Also in the past few weeks I have been listening to some live poetry. I went to the Droin Ficifolia Festival poetry night - a friend of mine was the 'leading Melbourne poet' for the night. And what a fun night it was. Poetry and music, wine and cheese. What more could a person want?  Highly recommend this for a night's entertainment.

I also went the first Poetry in the Hut for the year (Poetry in the Hut Gallery (3rd Sunday of the month) 157 Underwood Rd. Ferntree Gully @ 3.30pm $4 entry.) Another enjoyable experience. This is a laid back venue- with no feature poets- but a group of poets and musicians passionate about what they do.

So I'm busy learning - what works in the world of spoken word - such a big difference from the page to stage- how to break down my goals to biteable chunks - and what does this button do


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