Lately, I've spent my Fridays with a young man.

A very gorgeous young man...

We have a lot of fun together. There is much playing...much wrestling...much reading of books...much getting food everywhere. It is full on and then we have a quiet time.

And so I have been making myself mega organised. I take my breakfast and lunch down with we breakfast together, we play....then when it is nap time I actually get out my lap top.

Yep, I have managed to get myself semi organised and get to do some work while he's having his first nap. It's usually a very short one but I do get some work done.

Then it's up and more play...

more food...more wrestling...more reading....hopefully there's another nap in there somewhere and I get more writing done.

I am making the time work for me. And frankly it's working really well.

This, alas doesn't equate with being at home. Too much stuff to do, too many distractions. And at the moment I'm on leave so am planning on spending time EACH DAY out in my garden. So far, so good. Another goal for this month is to finish the draft of WIP.

So I give myself an hour out and about..

Then in for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes writing. Could be looking at a poem, getting back into WIP novel, editing a few workshop notes. Sometimes the twenty minutes extends into thirty. Some times I just make the twenty minutes and then I'm out again.

It's an interesting play on work and reward. For the moment it's working for me. I know it won't for a long duration...unfortunately I flit from one thing to another. I lose my mojo quickly and find myself wondering why...

BUT, for the moment, I am making it work. It only takes a few moments on a Thursday night to plan and pack a bag ready for when I head out early Friday morning.  I get to spend a day with a gorgeous young man, and I get some writing done as well. Win win situation.



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