Week one of holidays and I've done bugger all. Well, actually that is a bit of a misleading statement. I have accomplished a few things. Some planned, some not so planned.

I did plan zooming up to my sister's for a few days.

I find it a great place to simply relax. Mainly because my phone doesn't work there. I have no internet, no facebook, no messages. Nothing.

If I need to contact home or someone I can use her house phone but....do I really need to?

My sister has a menagerie. There are cats...a pony...alpacas... dogs...chickens...and a stray duckling that wandered in while the guys were jackhammering.

I go up there to spend time with the folks (and animals). Sometimes I take lots of books and plan to read, this time I took my camera and mooched around and took photos.

I walked a bit...

 did a bit of art work in my sister's studio

had a discussion whilst walking the dogs to school- if the world was dying and you could save 10% of the human population...who would you save?

Watched as a chimney came down...

and stayed an extra day because one teen said I had to stay for the fireworks.

I didn't write a thing. Did do quite a bit of thinking about my WIP and an idea for a children's story.

That is one of the major results each time I head up that way. Because I switch off, I get to relax. Including the brain. There is no thinking that this needs to be done, that is overdue, I MUST do this...because I can't.

So I unwind, body and soul does too...and then the brain decides to kick in and some planning and solving of problems occurs.

I return home, tired after the drive, with a load of dirty washing and often an insight or two. A plan for reworking a chapter of WIP. A nebulous idea for a short story...another idea, that could be tweaked, for a chapter book.

This year I haven't got up there as much as usual. Life, parents getting ill and being hospitalised, more work than intended, means that finding the time (and it is a bit of a distance to travel) has been difficult.

But I've returned home lovely and relaxed.

With a few ideas to work on...

What else could you need? 


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