That's right, celebrating twenty years of Harry Potter. Yes twenty years ago we first met a young boy called Harry living in the cupboard under the stairs. How time flies!

To celebrate, many libraries (and I'm sure book stores) held festivities. We had a Harry Potter night on Monday, complete with magician (who was amazing!) to keep the magic flowing.

It was a great night...a great family night.  We had folks making bookmarks...looking at amazing potions...

Using props for photo opportunities.

Many photo opportunities.... 

There were snitches in cages and wands...

I loved the creativity from my team mates... the library looked great!

Full of colour and mystery...

And everyone dressed up, for that day we lived Harry Potter. (some went above and beyond..they lived their characters). To me, that was the most important part of it all.

Don't get me wrong, loved the feedback. So many parents came up to tell us what a great job we had done, and how much fun the whole family had. But for me it was the way we all got together and created something wonderful. Everyone contributed, everyone had ideas, everyone helped to create something that was enjoyed by so many.

Team work is always talked about, we are constantly told that it is a priority in any business for success. Monday night proved to me what great team work can accomplish.

And don't I look forward to seeing what else we can create!


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