My kitchen recently, has been a hive of activity. There has been baking upon baking upon baking. For various reasons.

There was the 40th birthday celebrated by a writing friend. One sponge cake.

Then we had the Bookworms Relay for Life Garden Party. Another fundraising event to raise money for the Cancer Council. This time I baked cupcakes, iced biscuits and sausage rolls.

The next day was a farewell afternoon tea for a lovely woman at work. And I have just finished baking something for Taste of Harmony for work tomorrow.

Lots of baking but each event was for a very different occasion and therefore had to have a different feel, food and even size of offering.

Birthday meant a cake (or it could have been a variety of cupcakes, imagine a conga line of them...but I digress).  Large enough for 8 of us to have a slice. Birthday's also mean candles so they were a necessity. As was the singing of Happy Birthday.

The Garden Party afternoon tea was to be a refined affair...

Lots of dainty morsels offered up temptingly.

It was a stunning affair and the food was divine! A donation entitled you for some amazing treats.

It's good to know that librarians will never go hungry.

The farewell afternoon tea was a bit more personalised. The woman leaving is a vegan so a lot of thought and effort went into making food that was not only tasty but vegan as well.

Every event went exceedingly well. And even though there was great company, wonderful settings (you should have seen the house where the garden party was held!) and fun times...each piece of food was specifically created to meet the requirement.

Imagine if I had whipped up a lasagne for the birthday event. I mean folks do like my lasagne, don't get me wrong, and we COULD have put in a few candles and sung Happy Birthday...but it wouldn't have been the same. I could have made a slice, still yummy...but not what was requested or desired.

Same with the garden party. Everyone went out of their way to make dainty, pretty morsels. Once again, back with the would have been yummy but not the right food for the that venue.

For our farewell, we even created personalised bunting (our Miss M loves orcas, so they seemed fitting for the occasion)

It's just as important to match what you are sending out. Make sure the magazine / publisher actually publishes short stories. If they are a poetry only magazine and you send a short story,  you have lost before you have begun.  They won't even consider it.

If a publication tells you they are not considering children's/ poetry / non-fiction...don't send it to them. (unless you have a secret buddy within and just know this will be their new venture)

Why go to all that work on a piece...writing and editing and polishing it as good as it can be, to send it to the wrong place. You have to do your research, know who is taking what. Which magazine has just gone under...what publication is now looking for paranormal/ sci fi/ romance and you just happen to have one sitting under the bed.

Getting it right is a lot of work, but think of the joy when you do get it right.



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