We have a display at work, all about new year, new beginnings. Everything from weight loss to healthy eating, cookbooks and get fit quick books, quit smoking books to meditation. And of course they are being picked up...there is something about a new fresh year, full of promise that makes people decide 'yep this year I will definitely....'

I mean let's see, there is 365 brand new days waiting to is the 7th so already I have wasted 7 whole days doing now I have 358 days to do all that I want to do...

Time is ticking away....precious seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and before we know it months will have slipped past and I'll still be here trying to decide what exactly I want to focus on this year.

It is a new year, there are still 358 days to accomplish things in. Just exactly what those 'things' will be is still a mystery. At least for the moment.

Do like this writer's the moment it is revise to to revise....perhaps I should wait till it's toss o'clock, or better yet adult beverage o'clock!

Officially my holiday is over, that week and a day....gone...finished...kaput.

Back to all the usual stuff, which is work....days off to do 'stuff' .....mow....clean the dishes...cook...clean some more (the pantry is in desperate need!)....

Hmmmm noticing that I have put everything in there, except write. I'm back into a routine of sorts, back into the rhythm of work and days off....but I'm still struggling with that 'must make time to write'.

Of course I have time...everyone has time to do what they want to do. Sometimes it's a case of juggling, of making priorities, of compromise and even giving yourself a severe talking to.

Even though I have no definite plans for this year....I have written a short story while staying with my sister and her crew. I always tend to write when I'm up there----part of it is no distractions (no phone- no internet)...but I think the majority is being someplace different. I'm not sitting at my desk staring blankly at the computer screen waiting for the muse to kick in, or in most cases kick me hard to get me going.

And I have a poem percolating away...which I'll attempt to capture this afternoon. At least pin it's wings down and hope to have some idea what creature it is.

If  I was more focussed I could have / perhaps would have, written more. I mean this is the 7th of whole days have been ignored, wasted, treated as though they were meaningless.

But those days (and really too many before them) have helped me recharge. To relax, recover, to get a bit more in the tank.

And yes a part of me does realise that time is ticking by, that before I know it it will be February..then March, then autumn will be here, winter will sliver in and then I'll be planning for Christmas...yet again.

At the moment I have no set ideas...nothing concrete...nothing deliberate...but I will have. I want to keep on...want to have the courage and determination.

Because there is still 358 days to accomplish some amazing things isn't there?



  1. Dear Vicky, I hope you find your focus if that is what you want. But I think we need time too to just potter and relax - to let ideas and creativity percolate - at least that is what I tell myself! Love your photos, and so pleased to have found you and your blogs.


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