Three years ago I decided to start blogging about my thoughts, my whinges and yeah moments to do with this thing called writing. Hard to believe it has been three years. Some times it feels as though I began to put down ideas a few months ago, other times it feels as though I have been doing this forever. I have discovered that I write about everything and anything. As a friend has said, she knows what I've been up to via my blog. And I do add a bit of this, a bit of that...sometimes I write about hard dark moments, other times it is fun and light and dare I say fluffy. Most I think have a verge of fluffyness to them. A lot has happened in three years---- the house has gained people, lost people, we kept a niece locked up in the garret for a year, then we released her to the wilds, another niece rocks up every now and then for a night or two, one time for three weeks, but mostly the two of us rattle around the house with a rumpled cat who definitely has senior moments. W...