Today I'm taking part in the My Most Beautiful Thing Blogsplash to celebrate beautiful things - inspired by Fiona Robyn's new novel, The Most Beautiful Thing. Bloggers from all over the world are taking part and writing or posting pictures of their most beautiful things today. I don't think I really considered how hard it would be to pin it down. At first, as most people would do, I thought of family and friends. Of my husband and children, of the place I live (in the Dandenong Ranges, outside of Melbourne, Australia) ....
But the more I thought about it the more ethereal it all became. Until yesterday, driving to work, I realised what it is the fact that I have the freedom of choice. I choose where I live, who I live with, where I work, even the fact that I work part time. These are my choices. I choose to either do nothing all day and eat crap, or do some exercise and eat well. I choose whether to whinge and complain or make the best of things. It is all up to me.
In reality when you look at life, there are very few things we cannot control. Naturally death, illness are up there, but just about everything else is up to us. And how we decide to handle the situation....which decision we make. We all know people that do nothing but whinge and whine about their 'situation'...nothing is their fault, the world is out to get them, it's just not fair! But it's how they react, the decisions they make, the choices they make... So, for me, the most beautiful thing is the fact that I have the freedom to make my choices. To write, to not write, when to write, what to write, whether to share or not, whether I believe in my abilities or not....
It can be confronting facing so many decisions....but that's the beauty. So many choices.....


  1. Oh, yes, I know how if feels to be caught in a dilemma - so many choices to choose from. Just like when you go down the aisle when you buy cheese, isn't it confusing at times? lol But seriously, I also believe the freedom of choice is such a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing! :-)
    You're welcome to visit mine, too! :-)


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