It makes sense to begin at the beginning but how to start? I'm afraid I'm one of those that procrastinate. I want to write, know that when I have the time available I should write but starting....starting is the problem.

First I'll check my emails, just in case something vital has popped up in the minute or two since I last checked. Then I venture onto FB- wander aimlessly, sometimes led astray by news items or youtube videos.... then I look at my list (yes I'm a list girl) to see what I should work on and open the folder.

You would think I would start writing then but now... now I either take something out of the freezer for dinner, or put on a load of washing...

then once I feel I have done something 'useful' I begin...

How do others begin? I know of some that 'allow' themselves a certain amount of time surfing the internet...a warmup if you will. Others play a few games on the computer, some like myself check emails, then the news, then emails, then the news, a virtual tennis match before they make that determined effort....

Does anyone have the strength and determination to head straight to the page and begin? Perhaps you need to make that large cup of coffee to have by your side, or do you set out all your bits and bobs, the dictionary by your elbow? Does it have to be silent or do you need music in the background?

I remember reading about one author who would organise their desk just so, pens lined up, dictionary placed perfectly, note pads ready just in case; when the desk was perfect then and only then could they begin.

I think putting on a load of washing is easier.
Have you seen my desk?


  1. I make a cup of coffee first. Then I just get straight into it, and reward myself by reading email (or whatever) after I've done the writing, maybe a word count goal, a time goal, or to finish a first draft.

  2. ah another beverage person- frankly I can't stand the thought of liquid near my computer, so I have it no where near my desk...too afraid of what could happen
    and yeah for getting straight into it


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