Hmmm - the idea of poetry before midday was an interesting one. I must admit the majority of poetry events I have been to have been either in the afternoon or the evening (ending often in the late hours) - in a bar, pub, or at least a cafe where a quick glass or two of 'courage' can be obtained.

But poetry with your bacon and eggs? Swapping a beer for coffee?
Could it be done? Should it be done?

The poet's breakfast was part of the The Basin Music Festival - and a wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning. With over twenty poets and musicians performing - yes not just poetry - it showcased a variety of performance styles.

Considering the hour, most of the work was light and humorous - everything from the frustration of getting a new gadget out of its plastic casing - to the joys of growing older. Yet there was serious work as well - dealing with a new born and all the fear and joy that brings with it- to saying goodbye to a mother.

It was fun and inspiring (as all spoken word events are)- and I must admit it was a good way to start a Sunday.


  1. sounds wonderful Vicki...nice to see you are still out and about and in the thick of it. :)

  2. hi Lisa
    not really out and about as much - not having a certain Miss T saying
    heh how about this? I seem to lack the ooomph
    and also the drive into the city after work- then coming back - alone late at night trying to stay awake- is hard
    almost made it in monday night- but full on day at work and i was so tired that i never made it in- would have fallen asleep listening to the poetry, let alone driving back in the wee hours


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