It was a long weekend (even if I did have to work on Saturday) and daughter and I had been playing with the idea of travelling to Ballarat for the Begonia Festival. We ummed and aahed and decided no, but then hubby wanted to go up to visit his bees. Win win situation.

He drove, dropped us off, visited his bees, picked us up and then we visited Aunt and Uncle that live there.

Now I knew I don't like begonias.

Yes I know, it was a begonia festival I was going to.

 And there were a lot of begonias.

So I looked, I observed, I noted...

 Took photos of gorgeous daughter and adorable grandson in front of said begonias.

But I still don't like them. On a side note, neither does daughter...but....we had a very enjoyable few hours at the festival.

It was such a great event. Free entry, so many free activities for kids. If Baby Boy was a bit bigger he could have done so much! There were blackboards to draw on, obstacle courses and monkey bars, a huge sand pit, pots to plant up and take home, there was even Dirt Girl and Costa the Garden Gnome.

Add stalls selling all sorts of things (yes, including begonias) and food vans of all descriptions.

There were beautifully planted up garden beds to look at...

and this was a very interesting way to pot up some plants.

There was even a turtle display...

Some great communal work happening, where you could vote for your favourite turtle. All made out of recycled elements to show how all the rubbish we throw away is killing our marine life.

Even if a bit drizzly and colder than we had thought, it was a fun day. Visiting Fay and Gary in the afternoon was a lovely way to end our adventure.

 It made me realise that having an adventure is all about the journey. It's getting out and about. Looking at new things, discovering what is out there, reinforcing the fact that I feel begonias are over rated.

It was someone little having his first try of scone...just the middle, no jam.

He thought it pretty damned good.

I came home tired and a bit chilled...and knowing that sometimes you need reinforcing of your ideas.
Yep begonias and red hot pokers I still don't like...but I'm always open to see more.

That I believe is very important, to be open to new experiences and sights. New discoveries await us all the time, it's up to us to be open to them.



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