So we have just come back from a holiday. Three weeks touring the South Island in New Zealand. This year has definitely had it's moments, so for both of us we were ready to relax and enjoy. And we did. It was just lovely.

We had visited Christchurch briefly five years ago, then headed north and visited the North Island. We knew we wanted to come back, and eventually we made it.

I made myself a pact. I was going on holiday. No thinking about work or writing...I was just going to enjoy.

And what was not to enjoy? Mountains and lakes and birds and gardens and houses and boats and water and...

You get the idea. Every where we turned it was WOW...stunning view.

Or quaint buildings.

I'm a bit of a nature nerd. I like to walk, I like to look. I like to feel a place.

Give me some birds to see and I'm happy.

Even if I have no idea what they are. And although I said I wouldn't think about work I had to go into a library over there. Take photos, question the librarian and listen to their Storytime. Enquiring minds etc etc
But that is part of the adventure on holiday. New things to see and taste and do.

A helicopter ride over the mountains to land on top of one and peer down onto a glacier was AMAZING.

I've never skied or such, but I could so understand the want to be up high on some glorious snow.

Truly an amazing experience. 

As was doing the Canyon Swing. I must admit to being scared at this, and jumping off and trusting all would be well was a big step (no pun intended). But it was so terrifying  exhilarating. So much so I did it again. 

We walked in forests in search of kiwis...found none. We walked along beaches in search of jade...found none.  We visited Milford Sound and Stewart Island....rode in a jet boat through canyons and ate abalone and whitebait fritters. 

It wasn't perfect weather. It rained more than the sun shone. Was grey more than it was sunny. But you can't change the weather. You enjoy what you can, when you can...or else why bother leaving home?

Even though I told myself not to write, just to sit back, relax and take it all in, two poems came home with me. As did a list of stories an tales told to us by various people we met on the way.  So my not writing, turned into not writing...much. 

And the best part of the holiday, sharing the fun with this guy.


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