I love reading...just about anything. It's a given. And so when opportunities pop up to get books (for free) read them and then write about them, I jumped at the chance.

At the moment I write reviews for Buzzwords and for Magpies. Both show case children's writing. For Buzzwords I receive picture books from one publisher - Working Title Press.  I do love picture books, at work it's my bread and butter....I read at least fifteen a week. Every week. Not all to the children, I have a bit of picking and choosing to do before hand, so I sit at my desk and read.
Picture books.

Sounds like an ideal job doesn't it. (This is called prep time).

For Magpies I receive a varied collection. Always for children, but over the years I have reviewed board books, picture books, junior chapter books, chapter books, YA novels and even a biography that I thought was more for adults (with perhaps a cross over into YA).

Reading is the easy part.

Then I have to think. Did I like the book, why did I like it?
With a picture book half of the story is told through the illustrations and this means much more than most people think.

There are so many good stories that I can't  won't read at Storytime because the illustrations are drab or too dark, or perhaps they are too involved and detailed that the book just doesn't work with a large group of children.  One on one, perfect....twenty five children that are jiggling and rolling around and can't focus on a shiny object for more than ten seconds ....not a chance.

Novels are often more difficult. Not only do I have to know why I like something, or in some cases why I don't, but I have to write about the book I just READ. Not the book I wish I had READ...or the book I would have written given the great characters or setting or fantastic plot.

This often requires some good thought.

Then do I recommend this book or not? Why? Who to?

Both these sites/ magazines are for parents / teachers / librarians who are looking for books for children. If I think something is great for children learning about World War 2....I say so. If I think a book needs to be read by mature upper primaries due to the subject matter, I say so.

As a writer it is often difficult reading something that you think, wow wish I had thought of that. Or gee this author is on a great idea for a series. 

Then there are the times and I do think really? This was published and my XYZ novel still sits there unwanted.  Sour grapes naturally, but at times, not very often I must admit, I do think this. But as we all know the publishing world is a strange place and everything is subjective. And timing is EVERYTHING.

I have a fear that those out there writing a love story featuring a plain vacant girl and a vampire (perhaps throw in a young hunky werewolf as well)...the time is over.

But on another note I have a great collection of stories at my house. Picture books for the grandchildren, junior novels for the nieces and nephews, and YA that does the rounds of my sister and her family.

Reviewing does take time...and consideration....and honesty. But it does keep me up to date with what's happening out there in publishing land.



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