I don't do challenges very well. Not writing wise, not emotionally...and definitely not physically.
My problem? I'll tell you a bit later on but at the moment the universe is showing me that challenges are good.

I have a friend, Miss F, who is going on a great holiday in June...hiking in the Rockies is a big part of it. So her challenge is to improve her fitness- and yep there she is...walking day and night. Even with a dog that has decided she's bonkers.

Another friend, Miss K, has decided her future challenge (apart from runs, mini triathlons and other fitness orientated tasks) is to walk Kokoda. Yep, Kokoda. She hasn't decided quite when, but this will be her challenge.

And last weekend I went to an afternoon tea fundraiser for my daughter, Miss L...
who will be walking the Oxfam Trailwalker. 100 kilometres in 48 hrs.

Yes, you heard correctly. She will be part of one team, amongst 800 teams, walking 100 kilometres. From Wheelers Hill, up the thousands steps, through Olinda and the Dandenong Ranges...then finishing at Wesburn.

The afternoon tea helped raise that last bit of money the team needed.

It was a lovely afternoon. The sun shone, good company....and of course there was much yumminess in the way of food.

Now you see that challenge I could meet. Baking for the event. Easy...even though I did forget to make the lemon slice...

there was definitely enough food to go round. And even some leftovers for lucky ones to take home and even for me to take to work the next day.

So my not succeeding in baking everything I should have baked, was okay.  It wasn't the end of the world, even the end of an afternoon tea.

So what is with me and challenges? writing group recently did a quick 'look and chat' about our writing goals for the year. And yes I have my list - laminated as you do.

And apart from a great set of snoopy pictures (the frustrated writer) at the bottom, it is pretty empty.
There are four TO-DO's on my list.

None of them major ones such as 'finish that damned 80 000 word novel'

And it was suggested 'is that enough Vicki?' (thanks Miss C)

The no.  There should be more on that list---I should be pushed. Making a set of challenges that is so comfortably within my comfort zone that I don't even have to basically a cop out. A challenge is something that pushes a person...not to great extremes (although hiking in the Rockies, walking Kokoda and walking 100 kms in 48 hours - all fall in that category to me)

So why am I hesitant to create a challenge for myself?

Easy....I'm afraid.

Of failing. of falling flat on my face. I have it figured out that if I don't try, then I can't fail.

Stupid isn't it...because if you don't remain exactly where you are now.

So...with the universe and everyone around me facing challenges of one description or the other...I plan on working on some for myself.

Nothing too out there---I will not be climbing a mountain or such any day soon...but keep your eyes on this spot.

We'll see what I come up with.



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