To the blog. Yep, two years ago this week I decided to put fingers to keyboard and send out into the ether my thoughts. And apparently I'm still thinking.

Why did I begin? A friend of mine, Tiggy Johnson , then editor of Page Seventeen magazine,  author, poet, writer, mother, wife, crafter...had been blogging for a while and I was interested in the process.  My first thought was how on earth could you write something new, hopefully something interesting, each week.... and something that somehow (and sometimes very tenuous) linked to the craft of writing.

Surprisingly it has been easy (well up to now it has been). Because life is so varied, I find there are so many opportunities that can be written about. And since I am always struggling along with my writing, I find it good to put it out there. The rejections, the successes, the times I want to hit my head against a wall because nothing is working out like I thought it would.

At times it is something I see, sometimes something I do, something I hear....whatever it is I think about how I can use it for the blog.  Have I had a week of rejections? A week of surprises? A week where each word put down is like pulling teeth.  A week where ideas flourish, when words appear to flow with deceptive ease. A week where I struggled to put one word down, wondering why on earth am I even bothering? And over the past two years there have been all of these weeks. A lot of them in some cases.

And it allows me a certain freedom. I try to find the right image - often my own photographs as in this page- and I'm intrigued by what repetitive notions I'm drawn to. Shadows and reflections are two of my main interests. Time after time I find these are the images I try to capture. And  these are characteristics - atmosphere if you like-  I attempt to put into my own writing.

I also like to share what I've been up to. Good books I've read (or sock puppets have read) - (An ABC of Pirates by Caroline Stills.)

Places I've been....
and faces I've seen.

And of course being a writer, struggling writer, junior writer, writer in training...all of this is what I use for inspiration. Ideas are always brimming away. The struggle is finding the time (and okay the discipline) to sit down and get them into some kind of order. Hopefully constructive and logical order.

So Happy Second Birthday to the blog... and here's hoping that I find inspiration to keep on writing it while I'm still enjoying it. And enjoying it I am.


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