Have you noticed that books are the new black? Open any home decorating magazine and there they are. A few artfully arranged tomes (usually on architecture or interior design) on a coffee table, or more dramatically, a tower of books acting as side table, perhaps with a lamp or orchid (white naturally) arranged on top. Some designers even place books in a bookcase- perhaps arranged by size or colour, or better yet, three books then a bowl on one shelf. Two object d-art and two books on the next.

 Even flower arrangers are getting in on the seen at last weekend's Melbourne Flower and Garden Show.
But if like me, books are part of your life, there is nothing artistic about their arrangement. It's finding space for them all.

We have books in the bookcase in my writing nook, books in the bookcase in the lounge room, books in the cupboard in the dining room, books in the computer cupboard, books on the top shelf of the linen cupboard, books in daughter's room and kitchen, books on bedside tables, on floor by bedside get the idea.

And my bookcases look like this-
Stacked to the brim, fitting in any which way- but with a sense of order. Hopefully. The books on this shelf were my mothers. I have her collection of Agatha Christie's and Ngaio Marsh's and some of her Arthur Upfield's. And yes these are definitely stories from an other era, but I grew up with them and I just can't make myself give up on them. I re-read them every now and then. Some are so dated, some so corny, but they hold memories for me and I can't let go.

And of course more books come into the house. Some do go to another home, to make way...but I'm thinking a bookcase would look really nice in daughter's room. A large one of course. And I may start out with a few artfully arranged objects placed amongst the books but...


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