A few weeks ago, I had the chance to take a teen version of a book chat (the usual co-ordinator/ founder was away). At first I admit to being worried...what do we talk about....what if they just sit there and say nothing....what if we have no connection? I was told not to worry, supply food and talk...they'll talk back. So of course I supplied food.... which they devoured in minutes. I had come semi- prepared. I had a trolley of new books - I had some books listed in the Inky Awards - and at the last minute I grabbed a pile of books that I had read over the year. I read a lot of Young Adult, mostly because I like it and there are some really good books out there. My semi preparation paid off. The talk began with the usual 'you're not J'...and I do the usual 'Yes, I'm not J I'm Vicki and I'm taking the group today.' I asked their names, and what kind of stuff they liked to read. It was a small group but they were readers. Eclectic re...