
Showing posts from May, 2017


I'm one of those people that will  have to read, every day. It is part of the going to bed ritual, I have to read. If I don't, I feel that my day isn't complete. Something is missing. At a restaurant I'm one of those that will read all the signage, the menu again and the specials board at least a few times (just in case I missed something that first time). I will read the back of the muesli packet, the side of the biscuit box. I will read junk mail and signage of all descriptions. Working in a library means I have access to so many books. At times it's a bit of overkill. So many books, so little time..what to read next? And the more people I meet in the library the more I realise that reading isn't for everyone. That a lot of people struggle with it...and one of the joys of my job is to find something that will work for them. The other day a man came in, toting his eleven year old son. Marched up to the desk with 'we need to find him a book. He d...


I must admit I do love autumn. It's not only the trees colouring up gorgeously as they are at the moment, it's more the lovely sunshine filled days with the crisp mornings and chilled nights. These are the days that are just delightful to be out and about in. Not too hot, not too cold (bit Goldilocks I know but that's how I feel). Interestingly enough, it's when I begin to hibernate. Not that I crawl into my cave and that's it, lights out. Wake me when spring arrives. Although that would be nice at times...but I feel myself slow down. Simple tasks take longer, I get sidetracked easier (if that was possible)...and my writing actually stops. And if not stops, it slows down to a trickle, no, not even a trickle. More like a few desultory drips every now and then. I was reading an article a while ago that said we are a fickle lot when it comes to fashion. In summer and spring we buy buy buy. Not because we need, but we want. All that sunshine and bright ...


Mother's day, to me, is an interesting mix of good and bad, guilt and pleasure. There is this HUGE expectation that you (if you are a mother) will be force fed breakfast in bed (ugh the crumbs!) given presents of flannelette pyjamas, fluffy slippers and super flammable dressing gowns. If you have a mother (most folks do) then you are to give all of the above to her as well. With a bunch of petrol station chrysanthemums, bought on an impulse of 'oh crap it's mother's day'. I find it interesting in so many ways. When you become a mother, you are instantly defined. MOTHER.  And for a lot of us, we become lost in that title. Especially if that is what we focus on. Our world revolves around our children. And if we have no outside job, we become very internal. Our world becomes smaller and smaller...and sometimes, honestly, it feels as though there is no way out.  Our role in society is that of mother. We are known as M-------- and L------'s mothe...


My writing style lately , if you can call it such, is a tad scattergun. Lots of small pieces being created, going anywhere and everywhere...and hitting nothing. I have no focus. I do a bit of this...and oh that's an idea. Start writing a poem, get the very basic first draft then...oh....idea for a picture book. I do it in 'real' life as well. Find something I want to make, and give it ago. Then I attempt a unicorn sock puppet.... Bake a biscuit or two.... Knit some baby stuff... Do a cross stitch and turn it into a cushion... Bake for a birthday... Make a hat for Storytime... Knit something else I haven't tried before... Interspersed with gardening of course. I'm all over the shop. Don't have a favourite. I just like doing, or attempting, different things. That, I think is (ONE) of my problems. It's like I lose my focus, spot something shiny and I head in that direction. I decide that this is the one I wan...


Last week I headed up to Warragul for Arts Merge..this time at Mango Wood Cafe. New intimate venue and some new (for me) features. We had some amazing flamenco guitar from the Travelling Kirkbridges, Peter and Hedy. Beautiful! There was some great original songs from Acoustic Kitchen. and from Wendy Selling, complete with ukulele. I have no musical talent and was so much in awe of all of these acts, and in fact did pick up a few tips on how to present from them. The open stage offered up some great work... and of course there was Yvette Stubbs and her poetry / performance. Watching others perform is a great way of learning more. Of picking up ideas. How they deliver their work, how they even stand, how they notice (or not) the audience. The lead up was great, but dare I say, the main features were amazing. Amanda Anastasi and Anthony O'Sullivan. Very different in their voice and style, their delivery and their topics. They held the a...